I am thankful for our beautiful school house with the ocean view.
I am thankful for four smart, funny, and kind students who care about each other and the community they live in.
I am thankful for a community that comes to BINGO night and fills out our school questionnaires and reads our school blog.
I am thankful for a hysterical ed. tech who is such an amazing teacher to all of us.
I am thankful for two fantastic school dogs who take their jobs very seriously.
I am thankful for Wyatt's curiosity and his willingness to learn new things. I am thankful that he keeps me on schedule and that he always says goodbye and shakes every ones hand and at least once before he leaves school. I am thankful for the look he gets on his face when he knows he has answered a question correctly.
I am thankful for Quinn's laugh and his wiggles. I am thankful that he sometimes sings when he reads to himself. I am thankful for his pure joy and interest in things we learn about at school. I am thankful that he has taught me that it is okay to admit when you are wrong. I am thankful for his freckles.
I am thankful for Dalton's maturity but also his goofy side too. I am thankful for his love of books, to-do lists, and writing. I am thankful for Dalton's ability to care about others so much that his heart could just burst. I am thankful for his compassion for animals and his wisdom beyond his years.
I am thankful for Gabe's relentless humor and wittiness. I am thankful for his fair-mindedness and consideration of how others feel. I am grateful for his adoration and love for Maya. I am thankful that he takes responsibility for his actions and is proud of his accomplishments. I am thankful for his smile.
We certainly do have a lot to be thankful for at the Monhegan School!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all.