Friday, November 13, 2009

November BINGO!

Our beautiful array of BINGO prizes.

Our beautiful Donga with her lovely hair cut and BINGO face paint!

The dynamic duo: Mr. Boynton and Ms. Hitchcock! They were one unlucky pair though! No wins for them this month.

Tralice modeling her new Turkey belt.

Gabe and Maya helping out in the kitchen.

Norma won all the food prizes... even though she can't eat any of it!

Tara won the turkey hat!

Quinny calling the lucky numbers.

I can't believe it has been almost a month since our last BINGO! As one community member said last night, "BINGO is such a good way to keep track of the "winter" (AKA off season months) on island." I agree. I know our school always looks forward to BINGO nights. It is so easy and fun!

Last night was November BINGO. It was fun because all of the prizes were home-made, which added even more excitement to winning the prizes. Of course the theme was Thanksgiving, so we had turkey hats, turkey belts, turkey baskets, some home-made cranberry muffins, and pumpkin bread! The championship prize was a home-made "Thanksgiving Wreath" made with handprints. Pretty darn cute if I do say so myself. My other favorite part was that we played Motown music during the games and it was awesome to watch everyone boogie down while eating popcorn and playing some good ol' BINGO!

And the November BINGO champ is...


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