Friday, October 29, 2010

Carving Up Some Pumpkins!

After spending part of the morning hauling our enormous pumpkins to school in the torrential rain we invited community members up to school to help us with the carving process! We were going to need a lot of hands to carve up all of these pumpkins.

We often say that there is "something in the water" on Monhegan because all of our kids are so darn big... when I think these pumpkis just continues to prove this theory... they were HUGE!

Of course I claimed the biggest one. I am like that.

Once community members arrived we began gutting our pumpkins!

We had a lot of GUTS! This is our favorite part!

Quinny trying to figure out what to design on his pumpkin.

We also set up a Halloween banner for the little ones to decorate with potatoes stamps! I think they used their feet more than the stamps to paint the banner. Good thing the paint was washable!

Travis was the first one done his pumpkin! Looking good!

Kathie's pumpkin was turning into a masterpiece!

Angela's pumpkin is almost complete!

Oh no! Pumpkin guts everywhere!!!

We had a great turn out and we almost got all of our pumpkins carved!

Quinny with his "Orc Symbol" pumpkin.

I love Dalton's kitty pumpkin!

More and more pumpkins...

The finished products! Can you see the faces that don't belong? They all look pretty spooky!

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