Thursday, March 17, 2011

STORMS project with Matinicus

I can't believe it is already mid-March, which means we are closer to spring, which means we are closer to summer, which means we have a whole lot of things to do! One item we are working on is our final project for the STORMS work we have been doing throughout the year with weather data collection. We decided it would be a whole lot more fun if we did our final project with another school...

Enters the Matinicus school! We have paired up with them to create our final posters and an imovie that we are going to present at the STORM culminating event at Orono in May! We had our first "brainstorm" meeting last week to figure out the layout and big ideas of the project!

We used google docs to take notes of all our grand ideas. The two seventh graders are also going to meet up to plan the layout of the movie. It is going to be a lot of work but I think it is going to be an AWESOME final project and even MORE awesome because we get to work with our buddies on Matinicus! Horray!

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