Saturday, January 8, 2011

Inter-Island Bulletin Board

It's officially 2011 so it is time to revamp the school house. We actually like our school set up a lot this year. The kids adore their offices... (I personally want Quinn's because he has a corner office with two great views!) So since we weren't rearranging furniture we need to rearrange our bulletin boards!

Before Christmas I ordered a bunch of prints of photos from all our inter-island events so far this year with our pals from Islesford, Isle au Haut, Frenchboro, and even Cliff (via Tanberg!)

We decided on creating an "Inter-Island Bulletin Board" that we could look at during these cold and mega isolated winter months and think about all our friends and "classmates" from the other schools!
The boys were totally into creating the bulletin board and it was a fun project to do after our holiday break. I mean what kid doesn't like ripping off "old stuff" from the bulletin board and then using staplers to put up "new stuff"! Quinn kept saying... oh I just stapled Dalton's head!" Of course referring to the photo he stapled!

Once we put up all the pictures the boys and I wrote up little captions to put under the pictures. It was fun to look at all the great times we have had so far this year with the other island kids and teachers. We are so lucky.

We especially liked the group photo from Inter-Island Event because our Inter-Island mascot, Maya was in it!

Lots of great memories and photos!

Quinny loved this one!

Our Inter-Island Photo album!
We are also excited because now community members will get to see all the great things we have done with our inter-island friends when they come to school for community events.

Complete! It looks awesome. We love it. 

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