It's that time of year again, Christmas Play time. Man, our last Christmas Play together on Monhegan... soooo bitter sweet. As you probably remember, the Christmas Play and I have an off again, on again relationship. This year I felt pretty stinkin' good about the play because we were going to do something we have never attempted before... A CHRISTMAS MOVIE!!!!!
The idea was actually developed this summer. I remember being at my summer job talking to a bunch of community members about the last play of the year and wanted to make it really great and different. The idea of the movie came up and I latched on to it.
Next was trying to figure out what the movie would be about. We knew we wanted to try and involve community members in the movie and we knew we wanted to make it some kind of mystery. Anyone who knows me, understands my obsession with crime shows, such as Law and Order... so before we knew it our film was born... "Law and Order: Special Islanders Unit - A Christmas Mystery!"
The boys and I wrote the scenes and figured out the cast. Margaret told us she wanted to be a duck for the movie, so we quickly figured that in to the plot line (much easier than it seems really!) We have already filmed more than half the film and have cameos from several fabulous islanders who are natural born stars!
So... just to give you a sneak peak... here is the starring cast:

Margaret as "Captain Duck"

Don't worry, we will post the movie in it's entirety after our Island premiere on the 15th!