Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Look who's back!

That is right, after a looong two weeks the Monhegan School is back in session! Thank goodness! There was a certain teacher and certain school dog who just could not wait for of all their students to return to Monhegan and get things rolling again.

Millie gained about 7 pounds in the two weeks of vacation! Good thing she is just growing and not eating her feelings because she missed her kids so much!

The boys returned on Monday and we only had school in the afternoon. Look at how old they got over break!

We had some old business to attend to! Some one turned 11 over vacation and his name sounds like Binn Qurroughs!

11 years old and a new hair cut! Watch out world!

Cutting the cake!

Millie wanted to help Quinn open his presents!

Present number 1: A camo watch... I don't know if this was the best gift to give on my part because now he is just going to stare at the time all through the school day counting the minutes he can go home and play!

Present number 2: Lava Lamp with skull and cross bones of course!

Awesome dude.

So celebration is over... back to work! But man I am glad to be back!

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