Monday, April 2, 2012

Southern Colonies Presentation!

Last week we finished up our colonial studies with our joint presentation with Cliff Island about the Southern Colonies! Monhegan and Cliff collaborated on a project together to learn as much as we could about the Southern Colonies and then we had to create a presentation about what we had learned to share with our other TLC schools!

We met with Cliff about a month ago and decided it would be fun to try and present our knowledge about the Southern colonies in an persuasive way, as if we were trying to convince the rest of our TLC classmates which Colony they should leave their homeland for!

We split the colonies up so Dalton got the Carolinas and Virginia (he had to do the most since he was the oldest,) Quinn had to represent Georgia (which was perfect because that is where all the outlaws went!) and Eliza from Cliff was to represent Maryland! 

We practiced together via the Tanberg and coordinated our costumes, so last week we were finally ready to present our arguments to the rest of the TLC! 
 First up, Eliza presented her argument of why Maryland would be a great colony to live in!

 Next up, Quinn, representing Georgia!

 Not only was he adorning a fabulous colonial wig and hat, he made his own "jail-mate" t-shirt for the presentation!

 Dalton talking about the Carolinas! He had a hat and wig too! And made some flags for the special event. What a good sport!

 After the presentation our TLC classmates shared with us which colonial representatives they thought were the most persuasive and where they would want to live if their were living during colonial times! The great thing is that their were students who wanted to live in every single Southern colony!

 Then the Ashley Bryan school got a chance to share some of the work they have done so far during our Colonial unit!

They created a beautiful timeline about the history of immigration to America, beginning with colonial times!

Love this! I wish Quinn would were this outfit all the time!

A little taste of our Southern Colonies presentation!

Well done my little Colonial Representatives, well done!

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